Monday, March 13, 2017

types of home

though it's rather easy to recognize the fundamental elements which go into making a home a home it is also necessary to recognize that there are different types of living a variety of ways people appropriate their connection to home

let's  start with the homeless
a homeless person is disciplined by his own unfetteredness
he is tied to various exigencies that provide what minimal comfort he can derive from the world
he may not have the luxury of a roof over his head
he may resign himself to living in a state of relative stench and filth
home takes on a merely geographical component
he is where he is

some folks make lives work from shacks
with a water source and a stove perhaps a cot
a few pans they make life work
with minimal tools

then there is institutional living
the sharing of space with many others
in prisons
in military compounds
in religious houses
educational facilities dorms for instance

somehow the ideal is a private home
a place where space the demands and the joys
of life weave themselves out into the tapestry of
shared under one roof fed and noted at one table

there are millions of people who essentially live by moving about by flying great distances and streaming in and out of hotels and restaurants and business haunts

what's it going to be

the planet
the map
the pinpoint
the general neighborhood
the piece of ground
the mailbox
the network of acquaintances

you decide for yourself

where is home



  1. How exciting, a new blog!

    Go to it!

  2. I can't believe this blog has been going since last fall. I recall you mentioning something about it back then, but I didn't find it until today.

  3. I left a more extended comment on your domestic bliss post of Nov 10.
