Monday, March 13, 2017
types of home
though it's rather easy to recognize the fundamental elements which go into making a home a home it is also necessary to recognize that there are different types of living a variety of ways people appropriate their connection to home
let's start with the homeless
a homeless person is disciplined by his own unfetteredness
he is tied to various exigencies that provide what minimal comfort he can derive from the world
he may not have the luxury of a roof over his head
he may resign himself to living in a state of relative stench and filth
home takes on a merely geographical component
he is where he is
some folks make lives work from shacks
with a water source and a stove perhaps a cot
a few pans they make life work
with minimal tools
then there is institutional living
the sharing of space with many others
in prisons
in military compounds
in religious houses
educational facilities dorms for instance
somehow the ideal is a private home
a place where space the demands and the joys
of life weave themselves out into the tapestry of
shared under one roof fed and noted at one table
there are millions of people who essentially live by moving about by flying great distances and streaming in and out of hotels and restaurants and business haunts
what's it going to be
the planet
the map
the pinpoint
the general neighborhood
the piece of ground
the mailbox
the network of acquaintances
you decide for yourself
where is home
Monday, March 6, 2017
discontented civilization
when did the 'stay at home' mother
become a social class
a social class with strong suggestion
that it is an undesirable role
a misfortune of sorts????
it seems the crisis to which I indirectly point
is the crisis of perception
perception regarding the very understanding of the idea
of home
someone informed women in north America in the mid20th
century that there was no real redeeming value in being held prisoner of a house
in focusing ones complete attention on the well-being of
the very youngest members of the human race
within the trap then understood as the home
so the purpose of the women's movement had in it
an explicit social criticism which sought to liberate
women from the perceived trap
when in fact women had been in the most powerful position in the world
for centuries the place of power in the home the predominance over the kitchen
over the whole domain if you will
they were liberated into a demented social involvement
to the debilitating misfortune of everyone
there has been a horrible and pathetic social misunderstanding
this however does help to explain how the fundamental value
previously almost universally held
which places the home in a place of nearly invaluable recognition
slowly but surely was transformed into a mere pragmatic function
and the notion of family was then regarded as a disruptive social institution
the home then a sort of prison one pays for one way or another
it is in this very sense that I have heard it said
by mothers who devoted their lives to their children
that perhaps they have missed out on something
they didn't aspire to some place in the world of business or culture
and therefore were relegated to an existence of domestic banality
and herein lies the problem
it is the contention of this project
the raison d'etre of sorts
to foster with unabashed enthusiasm
the essential nobility of the role of mother
and parent in general
for fatherhood is in fact
every bit as important
but another topic altogether
you can find youtubes by'
Stefan molyneux
which are good and interesting resources of
instantaneous philosophy
and this is one of his most intriguing topics
the mommy wars the breakdowns of
which for some odd reason now needs to be justified as a credible social possibility
for godz sake
it is because I care about homes that I care enough to be harsh and critical about the notion of home and what it takes to make to keep to cultivate home and why once a person sets out to make a place a home there should be serious thought and energy put into making the project as warm and happy as possible and this takes a lot of work it is the work of a lifetime it is the complete giving of grace and possibility in the cultivation of love in a home where it can't be cultivated very well anywhere else
somehow someone got drunk on the notion of dream home and people started imagining these monstrosities of architecture and design which were nice to look at but had nothing of strength and durability what a pathetic mess it's all been
we each maintain a secret commitment to offset the pull of chaos
we each are driven toward the trust and security of being in a place of peace
I wish to restore the idea that
stay at home moms are the norm
and they live out a societal role ennobled with its own treasury of wisdom
anything else is a wretched and unfortunate aberration
to presume that a professional career is of a higher order than this
is the greatest of modern travesties
maternity is of the highest human order
and contends for that status with nothing else
except perhaps the religious vocation
which will always have its merits
it can be asked fairly
what about homes where a man and woman have no children
where the cultivation of love is held at the distance of two
fatherhood and motherhood are not lived out
in any immediate and tangible way
this is not to say there is no care
no fundamental necessity for life
for there is truly something miraculous in the effort of two people to
stay together for no other reason than to love one another
and the role of the hermit as well
a dedicated a loving person could commit to live alone
and be a witness to god's grace and love
in a solitary state...or in sheer existential stoicism
this is not to say that women should not read
or draw or compose music or weave baskets
or find places of generous creativity...the home in its ideal form
should be a place of the cultivation of all the great human attributes
god's grace often being detected in the creative impulses of siblings
or the nurturing of unique talents
the home should be a place where the creative
grace of god
is both sensed and engaged
grace builds upon nature
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