Monday, January 30, 2017

keeping it basic

ok then
let us talk of sexual intimacy

it is somewhat interesting to note that
our western civilization has tended toward
the individual concern with pursuing
what it might take to establish a physical context
which then might well lead to the establishment of a family

however let us be honest
the preoccupation with individuality has translated itself
into the creation of vast networks of apartments
where single persons can assure themselves
of at least the physical utilitarian aspects of home
if only for a short time
places that are not that much more complicated than
a hotel perhaps for the existence of a kitchen

sexual intimacy is the one human activity
which demands privacy
other activities like eating reading
conversation... playing games ,,,making art...etc.
...these things all seem to possess both public and private
aspects and can function within a complete open context

sex however...even while we've tried to make it as open
and conversational as possible in our times...does require
and even, one could say,  lends itself most naturally to
a private expression...and again if we want to speak of
consequences...only seems to take on a public character
when the natural development reveals itself in the manner
of signs of success...pregnancy has about it a rather overt
public quality...I stop to ponder the obvious freedom of expression
that lovers might exhibit...yet when it comes down to actually being
open to the ultimate human physical expression of sexual union
a man and a woman quite naturally give themselves over to the
security of a place where they can be intimate beyond the
perceptions of other humans

in a perfect world or a world perfected by values and virtues
which would hold sexual intimacy between a man and woman
in exalted terms of sanctity
there would be no pornography no debasement of the seriousness
of sexuality to mere indecent distraction
would somehow relegate this aspect of human interaction
to the accepted status of privacy and sanctity
this of course is the ideal of Christian morality
concerning this most intense human proclivity

it is the objective of this blog to pursue to some sort of
reasonable conclusion the notion of home
as a place where family happens
and family being a sacrament ( with a small s )
both a visible sign and a means by which grace
is bestowed and experienced

it occurs to me that the elements which go into
establishing the physical reality of a church
are correlative to the basic elements of home...
...the table...
...the bath...
...the need for hope...
...a place of security...
...a place of sustenance...
...a place of honesty...
...a place of rest...
...a place of easy recognition...
...a place of union...

a young couple can sustain their love for one another
for awhile without thinking about natural demands
but eventually there comes a time when they both realize
that in order to sustain their love they need shelter they need privacy
they need a place for their fleshy union to enjoy both freedom
and responsibility
and this has resulted in a consistency amongst all the peoples of the world
albeit the contingencies have been worked out in different ways
and this has resulted in the character of home being
the basis for what we might call cultural distinctions

another thematic piece might draw the line between those
cultures which tend toward utilitarian preoccupations
and those which maintain awarenesses which reflect
a closer connection to the demands of the natural world
of vegetation and meat and water
the understanding of home being quite different for
people who must acquire fresh water each day
in contrast to those who simply assume that
the faucet will come forth with water at the turn of a

for home to be understood as a sacrament
it will be essential to develop ways of understanding
the natural and healthy acquisition of life-sustaining
and life-enhancing modes of human interaction

home is where the heart is


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